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4 DAYS Apostille Washington DC
NEXT DAY Apostille California
SAME DAY Apostille Maryland

US apostille is a Washington-based authentication and legalization service provider with a new branch located in Los Angeles, California. Founded on 1995, and registered under the federal law, trademark number: 4567252, US apostille is established to assist U.S. corporations and individuals obtaining the required certification for documents destined for use abroad.

Our goal is to offer an expedited authentication and legalization services for all types of documents issued in the United States such as federal, corporate, commercial and personal documents. US apostille obtains Apostilles for federal documents from the US Department of State in Washington DC within just 4 business days and obtains Apostilles for all types of California certified documents from California Secretary of State on the next business day as our California branch is located next door to California Secretary of State Office. We also provide embassy legalization service for all types of documents destined for use in the Non-Hague Countries.

Throughout our long career dealing with government agencies and foreign consulates in the United States, we have established strong business relations that enable us to overcome any cumbersome or bureaucratic procedures that we might encounter. US apostille guarantees its clients an accurate, confidential, and fast service. Once we finish authenticating the document, we will safely return it back to you. Additionally, we offer our customers the ability to track their documents on our website to make sure that they are in good hands.

Enjaz Payment Process Enjazit is the electronic payment portal between the Saudi embassy and individuals in the United States to handle the online payment transactions. The Saudi Government adopted this method as part of developing the electronic government and to provide a secure and unified way for online payment process. Saudi Embassy and its consulates in the United States accept due fees for document legalization service ONLY through Enjazit Online Payment or through using the service of a licensed office such as US apostille.
Click here for more information about Enjaz Payment Process

Federal Apostille from US Department of State in Washington D.C.

Our Washington DC branch office is specialized in federal apostille from the US Department of State for use in any Hague Convention participating country.

Turnaround time is 4 business days.

  • Expedited service fee:$42.00 per single apostille/document.
  • US Department of State fee: $8.00 per single apostille/document.
  • Tatal fees per single apostille/document is $50.00
  • The price does not include the shipping charges.

Federal apostille for documents issued by US federal agencies such as:

FDA apostille Apostille Food and Drug Administration documents in 4 days for $50.00 per document.
FBI apostille Apostille Federal Bureau of Investigation documents in 4 days for $50.00 per document.
USPTO apostille Apostille United States Patent and Trademark Office in 4 days for $50.00 per document.
USDA apostille Apostille US Department of Agriculture documents in 4 days for $50.00 per document.
Homeland Security Apostille signed and sealed Homeland Security statements in 4 days for $50.00 per document.
IRS apostille Apostille signed and sealed Internal Revenue Service documents in 4 days for $50.00 per document.
EPA apostille Apostille Environmental Protection Agency certificates in 4 days for $50.00 per document.
Federal Court Judgment We certify all Federal Court Judgment issued from any United States Federal Court in the U.S. from the Justice Dept. in Washington D.C., and apostille it from the US Dept. of State in 2 weeks for $150.00.
Social Security Apostille signed and sealed Social Security statements in 4 days for $50.00 per document.

Apostille from Secretary of State of California

California branch is specialized in providing rush Apostille service from the California Secretary of State office within just one business day. Our office is located on 435 South Spring Street, just few steps away from the CA Secretary of State office, which is located on 300 South Spring St. It enables us to provide our customers with expedited service at such a low cost.

Turnaround time is Next Business Day

  • Expedited service fees: $24.00 per single apostille/document.
  • California Secretary of State Fees: $26.00 per single apostille/document.
  • Total fee per single apostille/document is $50.00
  • The price does not include the shipping charges. .

Hague Convention Participating Countries
Albania Cape Verde Greece Liberia Norway South Africa
Andorra Cayman Islands Grenada Liechtenstein Oman South Georgia
Anguilla Colombia Grenadines Lithuania Panama South Sandwich Islands
Antigua & Barbuda Comoros Islands Guadeloupe Macau (SAR China) Peru Spain
Argentina Cook Islands Guam Macedonia Poland Suriname
Armenia Costa Rica Guernsey Malawi Portugal Swaziland
Aruba Croatia Guyana Malta Puerto Rico Sweden
Australia Cyprus Honduras Marshall Islands Reunion Switzerland
Austria Czech Republic HongKong (SAR China) Martinique Romania Tokelau
Azerbaijan Denmark Hungary Mauritius Russia Tonga
Bahamas Dominica Iceland Mexico St. Helena Trinidad & Tobago
Bahrain Dominican Republic India Moldova St. Kitts & Nevis Turkey
Barbados Ecuador Ireland Monaco St. Lucia Turks & Caicos Islands
Belarus El Salvador Isle of Man Mongolia St. Pierre & Miquelon Tuvalu
Belgium Estonia Israel Montenegro St. Vincent United Kingdom
Belize Falkland Islands Italy Montserrat Samoa Ukraine
Bermuda Fiji Japan Namibia San Marino Uruguay
Bosnia & Herzegovina Finland Jersey Netherlands Sao Tome & Principe US Virgin Islands
Botswana France Kazakhstan Netherlands Antilles Scotland Uzbekistan
British Guiana French Guiana Korea New Caledonia Serbia Vanuatu
British Virgin Islands French Polynesia Kyrgyzstan New Zealand Seychelles Venezuela
Brunei Darussalam Germany Latvia Nicaragua Slovakia Yugoslavia
Bulgaria Gibraltar Lesotho Niue Slovenia

Legalization Countries
Afghanistan China Jamaica Nepal Sri Lanka
Algeria Congo_Democratic Jordan Niger Sudan
Angola Congo_Republic Kenya Nigeria Syria
Bahrain Cote d'Ivore Kuwait Oman Taiwan
Bangladesh Cuba Laos Pakistan Tajikistan
Benin Egypt Lebanon Palestine Tanzania
Bolivia Eritrea Liberia Paraguay Thailand
Brazil Ethiopia Libya Philippines Togo
Burkina Faso Ghana Madagascar Qatar Tunisia
Burundi Guatemala Malaysia Rwanda Turkmenistan
Cambodia Guinea Mali Saudi Arabia UAE
Cameroon Haiti Mauritania Senegal Uganda
Canada Indonesia Morocco Sierra Leone Vietnam
Chad Iran Mozambique Singapore Yemen
Chile Iraq Myanmar South Sudan Zambia

Choose your State
Alabama Idaho Minnesota North Dakota Vermont
Alaska Illinois Mississippi Ohio Virginia
Arizona Indiana Missouri Oklahoma Washington
Arkansas Iowa Montana Oregon West Virginia
California Kansas Nebraska Pennsylvania Wisconsin
Colorado Kentucky Nevada Rhode Island Wyoming
Connecticut Louisiana New Hampshire South Carolina Virgin Island
Delaware Maine New Jersey South Dakota Puerto Rico
Florida Maryland New Mexico Tennessee American Samoa
Georgia Massachusetts New York Texas Guam and Palau
Hawaii Michigan North Carolina Utah
COPYRIGHT © 2015. All rights reserved to US APOSTILLE.